
Apple bonsais

Did you know bonsai trees will grow full size fruits? 🤔⠀

An apple tree is indigenous to the American tropics. 🍎⠀

It has a dense form with numerous deep-green leaves. 🍃⠀

During the summer months, an apple tree will grow pink and white flowers
and these flowers will last throughout the summertime. 🌸⠀

After the blooms die, green fruits will emerge. 🍏⠀

And aside from its flowers and fruits, another thing remarkable about an
apple tree is its aerial roots. You can style your apple tree bonsai to
show off its majestic aerial roots in a display.🌾⠀

Apple bonsais are one of several types of fruit bearing bonsai trees. It
makes a great conversation piece or a cute decoration for your home or

Do you have a bonsai tree?😏⠀
Credit @theplantcharmer

Sent with AquaMail for Android

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